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电话: +86-2268-5999-161
姓名: candy zhou
innovate furniture .co ltd

  A focus on improving the human sleep and R & D, production and sales of high-end mattresses and sleep Habitat culture in one integrated company . The operating uphold the following principles: 1 Taking care of the spine [ sleep ] as a healthy pursuit of the highest corporate vision , innovation and investment in research and development to unlock the impact of human spine, sleep health. Iris 's American , Italian Isaiah , Kai Feier , Germany Hugo and possession love brands are helping consume

主要产品/业务: mattress , foam mattress ,spring mattress

innovate furniture .co ltd / 广东 / Add:Guanchang Road, Niushan Area,Dongcheng Dongguan City,Guangdo () / 电话:+86-2268-5999-161

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